Hi Folks,
I have just upgraded from vbulletin 3.0.1 to 3.0.3.
Having previously had 1.0.0 of this hack installed, I am slightly confused as to what I need to do to bring it up to 1.0.2.
I have gone through and put all the code changes in.
All the templates seem to be the same so I haven't changed any of those.
But I'm worried about running forumroot/admincp/install_arcade.php incase it overwrites any database information allready there.
Can you please confirm whether I need to run this again or not?
Also I have several tables in the database from the vB2 installation :
arcadeconfig, arcadegames, arcadescoregroups, arcadescores and arcadetopscores
am I right in assuming these are no longer used and I can delete all of them?