Originally Posted by bloodcult
yes, when you have contact with the person.... banktransver etc... by phone, by fax, an ID etc...
ok... you will come to my site, and ill know if you are the guy who registered... so i ask for normal adress and ill send you a confirmation code to your homeadress by post.... long way....
shorter way.... you register on my page, i tell you a 'accountnumber'... so now you transver money to my banking account INCLUDING the 'accountnumber'... so i know that you are behind your bankingaccount and you are verified yourself...
so, i see the moneytransver with number and ill give that user behind the number the access to my side....
that's the way....
but if you try with CC info then you kick ppl out without a CC.... (in europe cc is not so often as in usa maybe)
Thats still flawed. Cause anyone who has access to the confirmation number can do it. I need it to be the person who is signing up