Originally Posted by Zachery
But it is somthing you agree to, making it a contract, making it the law, i f you break said contract, your license can be revoked, then you would be pirating software if you continued to use it, and you would be really breaking the law.
By EU Law, if your allowed to edit the files purchased, then you can use any hack you want. You cannot say "you can edit the files for your own purpose, except if you edit for this this and this."
Sure you could put it in a EULA, but if you tried tso take action against someone who did use the hack, then it would fall apart in the tier court, let alone a EU Tribunal, if it is a ban on a certain "intention to purpose".
If Jelsoft tried to revoke a licence for such reason, then counter action could be performed and would win. (In Europe, anyway).