Originally Posted by weirdpixels
well if this is the first hack you are installing, I would suggest checking the code edits in the functions.php
The hack works fine with vb 3.0.3
This is the 1st hack i am installing since I upgraded to 3.0.3... I have checked Funtions.php 5 times aready and tried the install 2 times already... I cant figure out what i am doing wrong...
One thing i did notice was on the function_calander.php page, the code I was to find and replace, wasnt exactly the same...
It said to find this code:
function construct_calendar_output($today, $usertoday, $calendarinfo, $fullcalendar = 0, $weekrange = '')
global $birthdaycache, $eventcache, $bbuserinfo, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $show, $offset, $colspan, $days, $months, $show;
But in my page it was actually this:
function construct_calendar_output($today, $usertoday, $calendarinfo, $fullcalendar = 0, $weekrange = '')
global $birthdaycache, $eventcache, $bbuserinfo, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $show, $offset, $colspan, $days, $months;
the $show was not listed on mine...
Can anyone help? I can try installing the hack again but i made sure i followed the instructions to the mark... I dont know what to do to get this stuff working...