Originally Posted by SIINSI
Sure, just let me know what I need to do. It looks like a very useful tool. I f I could speed it up, I'd be a happy man
It said I had 772 Pages of attachments. If that matters.
The 772 pages is just the count you get for 1400 attachents at the default of 20 per page. Like I said, it only retrieves the actual attachment table rows for the target page. I assume you were getting just the first page, so it would be retrieving the first 20 rows. We'll time the two queries to see which one is so slow. I expect it is the "count(*)" query.
If this is the case, one alternative is to not to the page navigation stuff, thereby obviating the need to do the "count(*)" query. One would only retrieve the target page plus one extra to see if there is a next page.
Other ideas folks?