Urgently need your help/suggestions. Running vb3.0.3. and installed VBGarage without any problem. But after one day it started:
"Can use VBGarage" is disabled for registred members from time to time. I don´t know if it is after someone registred at the forum or if it is a Cron job that disables it. It has happen also with moderator group. Ivé enabled "Can use VBGarage" in usergroup manager level and general settings as well.
Otherwise i must say it works great.
Anyone had this problem in the past? Or could pinpoint out an direction where to look or how to do? Done all system/DB checks within the VBadmin.
ENV: Apache 2 - Mysql 3.23 - PHP 4.3.4 - VB 3.0.3 - VBGarage 3.11 downloaded 4 days ago.