I am having the same issues.
Tried buro9's fix, but that didn't work -- none of the images showed up after a rebuild.
Tried a few things, and two seemed to get close, but still not working:
$thumbnail['filedata'] to
$thumbnail['profilepicdata'] and that worked great calling the image from the profilepicdata field, but obviously the images were not thumbnailed. Option here would be to not thumbnail, but to set image limits.
Then tried going back to
$thumbnail['filedata'] in conjuntion with commenting out the if (!$vboptions['attachfile']) statement in the fetch_thumbnail_from_image function. That worked GREAT for the profile pics (and thumbnailing) but throws SQL errors for attachments.
I will watch for updates, but for now, I think I am just going to take all of the related functions and image files and copy them to the old 3.0 function way specific to the album (which also makes for one less thing to worry on for upgrades).