Originally Posted by Daniel.C
I keep getting this error and it's not allowing us to see the site anymore.
Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT calendarpermission.usergroupid, calendarpermission.calendarpermissions,calendar.ca lendarid,calendar.title, displayorder
FROM vb3_calendar AS calendar
LEFT JOIN vb3_calendarpermission AS calendarpermission ON (calendarpermission.calendarid=calendar.calendarid AND usergroupid IN(, , 6))
ORDER BY displayorder ASC
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' , 6))
ORDER BY displayorder ASC' at line 3
mysql error number: 1064
Date: Monday 26th of July 2004 09:41:22 AM
Script: http://www.infinitiveintentions.com/forums/index.php?
Username: Sparky
Any help would be aprechiated
I don't get such an error when I visit your site.
The problem is the missing variables in the
(, , 6)
Did you change anything in your functions.php? If so, try uploading the default functions.php again (unless you made tons of changes

), that might help...