Seeing as how this info is all contained in the postbit
The information is available to the postbit template because the values are setup by showthread.php and the functions it calls, primarily the longish 'construct_postbit' function.
You should be able to reference $bbuserinfo in index.php to get what you need for the currently logged-in user. You might try this...
In index.php, find:
if ($bbuserinfo['userid'])
{ // registered user
$showmemberwelcome = true;
then add the following code directly under it:
$myUserInfo['posts'] = vb_number_format($bbuserinfo['posts']);
$myUserInfo['datejoined'] = vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'], $bbuserinfo['joindate']);
then reference in the template (either 'navbar' or 'FORUMHOME'), the two new values being set, but only if they are set:
<if condition="$showmemberwelcome">
... $bbuserinfo[username] ...
... $myUserInfo[datejoined] ...
... $myUserinfo[posts] ...
I hope this points you in the right direction.