Yes im having abit of a problem with some hacking here. Maybe someone can help me out. Worth a shot huh?

Okay here it goes.
I started to work on a hack that will remember if a user has clicked the I Agree on a T.O.S. Page. I was told to use a session or a setcookie. But then i decided to go ahead and do it this way:
add a field to the user table called 'tos' or 'agree' or something - enum ('n','y');
set all current and new users to 'n';
on the usercp.php page, once they successfully enter it, check this field - if it's set to 'n' then show the user agreement form - if it's set to 'y' then let them go to there user cp panel.
So heres what i did.
I ran this SQL Query:
ALTER TABLE user ADD tos ENUM('n','y') DEFAULT 'n';
And this is what you put in the begining of the usercp.php after permissions are checked.
PHP Code:
//connetion info
$query = mysql_query("select tos from user where id='$user[userid]'") or die(mysql_error());
$user = $row[tos];
if ($user=='n')
// this will fetch the agreement template
eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('clients_tos') . '");');
//All the usercp.php code here
then the agreement template is this:
HTML Code:
<form action="tos.php" method="post">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%">
<!-- My Agreement Terms Here -->
<input type="checkbox" name="agree" value="y" /><strong>I have read, and agree to abide by tos rules.</strong>
<input type="submit" value="I Agree">
Then i made a tos.php file with this:
PHP Code:
if ($_POST['agree'] == 'y')
echo $user[userid];
mysql_query("update user set tos = 'y' where id='$user[userid]'");
echo 'redirect code';
But when i go to the usercp.php i get this error now from the or die(mysql_error()
Unknown column 'id' in 'where clause'
Any ideas? Someone told me to do this sql
and when i did that i had this problem. lets say no users have clicked i agree yet. And user A logs in and see the new agreement, then clicks the i agree button. Then he is redirect back to the usercp page. which is perfect. But now when user B logs in, he don't see it cause user A has clicked yes. This is vice versa also. Seems if any one person clicks yes, it sets yes to all.
i was told it may be that the $user array isn't returning the user data.
Any other ideas why? Thanks guys!!!!!!!!