You will have to be more specific when you say "click under their username to leave feedback". What page are you talking about? A screenshot would help. The reason I have the "leave feedback" info on the TR page is so that people see the rest of the info on the page too.
As for making URLs required, there is only one php file to edit (traderratings.php), just change (in two places):
PHP Code:
if ($userbuysell == 255 || $userrating == 255 || $usercomments == '') {
eval (print_standard_error('error_requiredfields'));
PHP Code:
if ($userbuysell == 255 || $userrating == 255 || $usercomments == '' || $userurl == '') {
eval (print_standard_error('error_requiredfields'));
Also you might want to edit the template to show that it is a requried field. However keep in mind that right now I don't do any URL checking, so they could enter totally bogus info and it wouldn't know any better.
Originally Posted by Watson
Is there anyway to click under the username or something to actually leave feedback, the only way I been doing it is by clicking on the users trader rating number. Hoping to put like an icon or summit somewhere.
And how what file do I edit to add it so they need to enter a URL when doing a trade/sale. And can I speify that it has to come from a specific Forum