Just a note: the following templates are uncached in whobuddies.php;
usercp_nav_folderbit (3)
whobuddy (1)
EDIT: Here, I fixed it.
EDIT 2: If you have no buddies you get this error: Warning: Division by zero in /domain/url/whobuddies.php on line 50 (note line 50 is counting my template caching [in my attached file]. The default file would be about line 45 or something;
PHP Code:
$mutualpercent = round((($mutualcount / $buddycount) * 100),2);
Also noted: This hack adds a page so a Who's Online location needs adding. I'd post the code but I just used that Custom Add Online Locations hack.
No really, I always liked this hack. vBulletin should really be shipped with such a feature, I reckon.