Originally Posted by lierduh
The >=20 is to do with Characterset/language. Many people suffer this problem, it can almost all go back to Outlook Express generated messages. According to the header, the message should be a pure text message. I myself pretty confused about the problem. Even vB team mentioned this problem makes their support harder.
What language do the senders use usually?
In the next version (I need a good block of time like a free weekend to work on it), I will have an option to disable the importing of attachments.
Most users will post messages in English but I am not sure what the default regional settings would be in windows.
I think I seen some threads at vb forums and I think it was over multiple line breaks.
When the 'reply to forum' feature was available on these forums i never seen this happen, but you could never tell what was replied to by email and what was posted to the forums and it also used named pipes instead of collecting from the mailbox. Perhaps an idea for an option for users who have server which support named pipes and skip the mailbox stage completely (also no need for crons).
vB use a similar system for their support tickets, reply by email, not sure if they see the same issues but I have just looked at the tickets i have submitted and they seem OK also.
This is indeed a great addition to vb, any help you can offer to fix these small things is great.