pjdaley - That means you've mis-hacked your functions.php file. Get a fresh, un-hacked version of that file and reapply the file changes using Notepad or another simple text editor. Do not use Dreamweaver or any similar programs as they have been known to cause problems in the past.
redlabour - Reapply the file modifications in the readme file, then upload the install file to your admincp directory, go to it in your browser, and select the option to install only the templates.
lmongello - Your users will not see the page until you rename the file (by default it's called cmps_index.php so that you can set everything up and then rename it when you're ready to go live with it.

romeshomey - The only difference you should notice is that the code to change in your functions_calendar.php file is slightly different. Just look for the first part of the code and you shouldn't have any problems.
XtReMaTriX - Yes, it should work fine with any of the 3.0.X versions.