Thanks very much Teck. Have installed and clicked Install.
Using vB3.0.3 and had no problems following the version 1.2 text instructions.
I edited using EditPad Lite. It uses Tabs so that you can have two files open and tab between them for easy comparison.
I don't use a portal and the stats produced on the forum home page with 6 users and 2 spiders online were:
Page generated in 0.13130212 seconds (83.33% PHP - 16.67% MySQL) with 9 queries
DEBUG Mode OFF | GZIP ON (level 1) | 0.04 : 0.13 : 0.17 No uncached templates
That looks relatively normal for a lightly hacked site without a portal and using a shared server.
On one of the Forum Display pages with 6 users online:
Page generated in 0.19516301 seconds (79.20% PHP - 20.80% MySQL) with 14 queries
Server load: 0.06 : 0.23 : 0.21 No uncached templates
You can see that 5 extra queries has increased the server load slightly.
The Members List seems to be more server intensive still:
Server load: 0.33 : 0.31 : 0.24 with only 9 queries.
But still quick loading: Page generated in 0.16052389 seconds (81.20% PHP - 18.80% MySQL)