Originally Posted by Dan1113
I assume that posts won't automatically be marked read after you enter them under this system, right? It'd be nice if posts you entered/posted in were to be marked read like usual but the rest would stay unread until you either went into them or marked forum read (sort of like a combo of how it works now and the persistant mark forum read).
You can kinda use the 2 features together. When you click into a forum via the lightbulb in order to view your unread threads, the little "read first unread" icons appear.
However, if you come back later and view the same threads and there's been no activity, the icons are gone. In order to completely tie those icons in to the new system, I'd have to get rid of the mark read cookie entirely, which would break the old system.
I understand that the vBulletin team might impletement a "mark thread read" feature at some point, but that's beyond the scope of this hack.