Hello! I managed to see your demo. Excellent work!
I've been having a couple of the same issues as I've seen posted here, but I've not found a formula in this thread that's fixed it. I was really hoping to have this fixed without having to bother you as you seem very busy with other people, but I'm not doing very well.
I have the hack installed on my board but;
a) forecast.php itself is blank (save for having "0-ss-0" in the top left hand corner).
b) I can't save the location. I do have custom fields and have altered profile.php accordingly.
My fields 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are edited to fields;
31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 respectively.
Here is the PHP I am using;
PHP Code:
/ ####### weather forecast and the forecast options ######
if ( $_REQUEST['do'] == 'weather' || $_REQUEST['do'] == 'places' )
define ( 'DO_WEATHER', 1 );
construct_usercp_nav ( $_REQUEST['do'] );
$templatename = $_REQUEST['do'] . '_display';
$shelltemplatename = 'USERCP_SHELL';
include_once ( './includes/functions_weather.php' );
if ( $_REQUEST['do'] == 'weather' )
$new_forecast = forecast_valid ( $bbuserinfo[field31], $bbuserinfo[field32], $bbuserinfo[field33], $bbuserinfo[field34], $bbuserinfo[field35] );
$new_forecast = fetch_forecast ( $new_forecast, 1 );
$customfields = array ();
$navbits[''] = $vbphrase['weather_title'];
if ( $_REQUEST['do'] == 'places' )
if ( !empty ( $_POST['location'] ) )
$DB_site->query ( "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield SET field35=" . addslashes( $_POST['location'] ) . " WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]" );
$GLOBALS['url'] = 'profile.php?do=weather';
eval ( print_standard_redirect ( 'redirect_updatethanks' ) );
$tpl = places_validate ();
$navbits[''] = $tpl['page_title'];
if ( $_POST['do'] == 'forecast' )
$forecast_fields = verify_profilefields ( 6 );
if ( !empty ( $forecast_fields ) )
$DB_site->query ( "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield SET userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]$forecast_fields WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]" );
eval ( print_standard_redirect ( 'redirect_updatethanks' ) );
You can see how it looks on my board with the following login information;
Username: Test
Password: beer
And one other thing: embarrassingly I'm not sure what the following conditions:
(B) Yes, I have allow_url_fopen turned on!
(C) Yes, I have permission to the I/O File system!
mean. Everything else is present and correct. I assume C is about file uploading, in which case there's not a problem there.