The fix for the HTML is:
In the forums/articlebot/articlebot.php change:
romeshomey, it's working for you because you have HTML enabled for your posts (which is not a good idea). For anyone else, they will only get HTML tags, so it's good to have the strip_tags() normally in there.
I know why, look like the bot won't do anything if the description tag is missing.
Yes, as I said not too earlier
here, RSS feeds without descriptions will be skipped.
My mistake, the RSS doesnt provide a space in the description which is why there is no space.
Theres no way to add one is there?
Not really. It's the mistake of the RSS provider to forget the space, but there isn't really a way to add it, given the arbitrary data.
I wonder the same thing as it keeps posting the same articles again and again, and if I remove it, itll post it as the next one again.
As said, the bot starts at the end of the file (oldest articles) and counts its way up. It makes sense that if you remove a thread, the bot (which does check for existing threads) will re-create it. Instead of removing the thread from the database, if you wish to get rid of it, "soft" delete it.
Also note there is a "initial article trim" to skip a number of articles when first starting on an RSS feed.