OK, thanks for the reply.
Rather than get into a PM exchange, I'll just post the info here since it may help others as well. :nervous:
The site I run is Xbox Solution located at
We have two rss feeds, one that will post a link and another that will write out the story.
First RSS Feed (Link Only):
Second RSS Feed (Full Story):
I am using the second RSS feed for the bot - and all is well except that when the bot posts the story it posts everything in one block, no line breaks.
If you point an rss reader such as Sharpreader to
http://www.xboxsolution.com/index.rss you will see that the output is fine, with line breaks where needed,
Just wondering if there is any way to resolve this.
The forum that my bot posts in is here:
The bot's user ID is here:
Thanks for the help!