alright now, I didn't want to start a pissing match, I'm just happy I got one question answered, it's do-able.
If someone comes up with an efficient way to share this with the community that doesn't take away from their professional time that's cool too, and Natch, I understand completely, I do Pen-testing for a living for a large multi-national and I don't find myself helping people in security matters in my free time (for free) so more power to you for just being here.
At least this suggestion is on the table so to speak, so if a coder sees this thread and thinks it's a cool idea that doesn't involve a major hack to the back end (mySQL etc) AND wants to invest some toil and time for little more than love and kudos, then we might have ourselves a cool hack one day.
If not, no big deal, I certainly am not the type to whine about not getting something for nothing - god knows I see enough Windows newbs to Linux "demanding" releases from the open source community (see Klaus Knopper) to learn respect people's time.