Originally Posted by TheMasterG
Style: Dark Blue Is this hack compatible with multiple styles?
Reason I ask is that I had this installed before on a test forum with only the template changes done in one style. That style displayed fine but when I viewed the forum using another style, instead of seeing the normal forumdisplay it was completely messed up.
I don't have a screenie and can't say for definite that I didn't make a mistake but it's unlikely.
So can anyone confirm that this works correctly if you want it on some styles and not others?
Originally Posted by Xenon
hmm, it should be. but you have to create the additional templates in the not columned style as well, or need to add further conditions to the hack.
so actually you can get to work it on one style if you don't want it to be columned on the other style, but you will have to put a little extra work in then 
This would be a nice add-on for this great hack!! Since I am sure there are a few of us out there, that would install it and use the hack, if it didnt mess with the other skins we use..
Wish I knew coding better, then I would write this myself.. But I dont
Anyone can help with this?