I has already added a custom field so my field numbers are different.
I changed the array and the update statement and it does update the correct field, however the location on the user cp does not display.
Is there any other place I need to change to use a field other than field9 for the location field
if ( $_REQUEST['do'] == 'weather' )
$new_forecast = forecast_valid ( $bbuserinfo[field19], $bbuserinfo[field20], $bbuserinfo[field21], $bbuserinfo[field22], $bbuserinfo[field23] );
$new_forecast = fetch_forecast ( $new_forecast, 1 );
$customfields = array ();
$navbits[''] = $vbphrase['weather_title'];
if ( $_REQUEST['do'] == 'places' )
if ( !empty ( $_POST['location'] ) )
$DB_site->query ( "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "userfield SET field23=" . addslashes( $_POST['location'] ) . " WHERE userid=$bbuserinfo[userid]" );
$GLOBALS['url'] = 'profile.php?do=weather';
eval ( print_standard_redirect ( 'redirect_updatethanks' ) );