Sorry, for not getting back on you - but 3 months ago our little son was born and since then our live has changed quite a bit
Originally Posted by glo
In the userimport_emails.php file it says
" In the first column write the password, in the second one, write the username, the third one contains the mail-address.<br>
The columns are separated by semicolons (  ."
But shouldnt it be "The columns are separated by comma's(,)."?
No ; is right.
Originally Posted by glo
"Import Users from line <input type="text" name="start" size="4" maxlength="6"> to line <input type="text" name="stop" size="4" maxlength="6"><br><br>"
Are these variables that I manually change as I am using email addresses as usernames initially ?? I will allow them to change their username once they sign in for the first time.
Your have lines of users in your table. It just means the lines in your CSV-table. Afaik it is not possible to let users change their usernames in vB - and I wouldn't recommend to use their mailadresses as usernames - just because of the addressgrabbers of the spammers out there.
Originally Posted by glo
What is the english translation for
" Import abgeschlossen. Es wurden $totalnewusers neue Benutzer in die Datenbank importiert."
"Import succeeded. There were $totalnewusers new users imported." Translated it now in the new version.
Originally Posted by glo
I have since had a look at the Mysql database and can see that the usernames and email addresses were not correctly installed. The username and email address is showing up blank!
I can only assume, that you didn't use semicolons (

as seperators, as the script looks for them. This is the part of the code, which makes the seperation:
list($passwd, $user) = split(";", trim($datei[$i]));
so you really need to use ; as seperators.
Originally Posted by Xenon
als ich dir ne kleine Hilfe geben darf: es reicht nicht neue user nur in die user tabelle einzuf?gen, sonder du musst sie auch in die userfield tabelle reinhaun, sonst gibts probleme
Thanks for moving the thread and for the help. I updated the script now to reflect this. And it should work. However I am not sure what happens, if custom userfields are added before the import.