Well after upgrading, it did not work, I had alot of database errors, so I took there advise and did what they said I needed to to correct it, still nothing, then after 2 hrs of farting around with it and trying to get it to upgrade, I went ahead and dropped my database and uploaded the backup, I also uploaded the back to the forum site...
BUT NOW that everything is restored back to 3.0.1
I HAVE NOT FORUMS TO SEEEEEEEE!!!! I can't get this back for the life of me....
The Portal works, but the main site does not! My forums are missing...Sooo now Im stuck after 4-5 hrs of trying to correct whoever got screwed up from the upgrade...
Anyone have any freakin suggestions, because at this point Im at a lost and I DON"T want to loose all my members and forums information....
Thanks in advance for the help!