Sorry, but I can?t give help for your problem.
Because the table "stats" is a orginal table.
I have check the querie in the statistik.php. Cant found an error there.
I think there is a Problem with the TABLE_PREFIX
Found in the statistik.php
PHP Code:
//Tag mit den meisten Neu Registrierungen
$getmostregister= $DB_site->query_first("SELECT dateline, nuser FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "stats ORDER BY nuser DESC LIMIT 1");
$getmostregister_tag = vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'], $getmostregister['dateline']);
$getmostregister_user = $getmostregister['nuser'];
and replace tihs code with this
PHP Code:
//Tag mit den meisten Neu Registrierungen
//$getmostregister= $DB_site->query_first("SELECT dateline, nuser FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "stats ORDER BY nuser DESC LIMIT 1");
//$getmostregister_tag = vbdate($vboptions['dateformat'], $getmostregister['dateline']);
//$getmostregister_user = $getmostregister['nuser'];
Open the statistic side from your forum.
Tell me what is happen.
@Sam FT
This is a normal query.
At the moment, i dont know why do you get a mysql error.
This is the orginal query
PHP Code:
FROM $dbname
LIKE 'pm'