Originally Posted by tamarian
I was not able to duplicate this on my test environment. It always closes properly.
Post your config file, and I'll try to test with it.
// Config section
$my_lang = "en"; // set the language you want, make sure you have the correct aspell dictionary on your system
// Access restriction options
$allow_guests = 0; // Change to 1 if you allow guests to post and use the spell checker
$restrict_groups = 0; // Change to 1 to enable access restriction by group id
$allowd_groups = array (2, 5, 6, 7); // usergroups who can access the spell checker
// Learn function options
$customwordlist = "custom.pws"; // make sure this file is readable by your apache user
$learn_enabled = 1; // set to 1 to enable the learn feature. Make sure you test first, to ensure your server setup allows this.
$restrict_learn_function = 0; // set to 1 if you want to restrict which usergroup id may add words to your dictionary.
$word_list_maintainers = array (2, 5, 6, 7); // usergroups that are allowed to use the "Learn" feature
// Ignore options
$ignore_quotes = 1; // 1 means ignore the
block, 0 means spell check within quotes
$ignore_code = 1; // Same but for the [CODE] tag
$ignore_php = 1; // Same, but for the [PHP] tag
// end config section