*Clicks Install
THis is an awesome addition.
I am having one issue. After deleting some messages on my IMAP server, I got this error:
Warning: date(): Windows does not support dates prior to midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970 in C:\Net\wwwroot\hosted\forums.clanterritory.com\email.php on line 244
Also, I always see the e-mail headers. When I click the show headers button, it takes me to a another pages where I see two copies of the e-mail headers above the message.
Is there a way to make the username and host name the user logs into with the first time automatically get added to the custom userprofile fields we added in your optional addition?
I would love it if the next version could feature these enhancements.
- A folder pane with the folders listed in a heiarchy on the left of the messages
- HTML support for the messages
- Not sure if it is possible, but it seems to run slowly compared to the other web client I use...any speed increases for IMAP would be appreciated.
- Use a paperclip icon to display whether a mail has an attachment
- Convert HTML links into links when viewing the message
- Display the normal forum toolbar and breadbox above mail
- Match the style of the page to the style used on the page it was linked from
- Make unread messages appear in bold
- Both the message and the sender should be hyperlinks that open the message as some messages come in without a sendername and you cannot open those in your tool
- An easy method to copy or move messages to other folders.
In POP3 mode, does it leave a copy of the message on the server so that it will stay there until you delete it?
How do I make IMAP be the default radio button instead of POP3? Is there any way to store the default in a profile like we can the username and host?
As I said, this is an excellent addition to the forum. I really like it! Great work!