Originally Posted by hitmanuk2k
hi, for your informations i repaired the tables several times today but the problem keeps reoccuring. The hack had been working fine for around 2 months then suddenly these errors pop up. vb version 3.0.0
the error message is the same as on the site:
I think your problem is that Google and other search engines are coming along and accessing all your files. Every time this happens, the downloads table logs it. You've had more than 32K hits since you reset the downloads table.
Immediate suggestions:
- If you're not too concerned about tracking who is downloading what, empty the local_linksdownloads table.
- You can do this in a couple of ways. If you go to the links admin page, there's an option in the statistics section to view/clear the dowloads. Or use phpmyadmin and empty this table.
- You might ask yourself if you really want Google stealing all your band width. Are all your links set to be available without being logged on? You might change this/
I will modify the table definition with the next release so that we don't hit this problem so soon, but it will still be there. I might put some code in to stop bots downloading links.