It's actually really simple if you are just going to create a new thread and add a post.
You can just call the build_new_post function from includes/functions_newpost.php like this:
PHP Code:
build_new_post('thread', $foruminfo, array(), 0, $newpost, $errors);
If you look in the source of the functions_newpost.php file, you'll see what you need to fill in for the $newpost array. $foruminfo you'd just do something like:
PHP Code:
$foruminfo = fetch_foruminfo(10)
Replace 10 with the forumid you want to insert it in.
Pick a user to be a bot, get their id, and do:
[PHP]$bbuserinfo = fetch_userinfo(2)[/PHP
You use that to build the posthash.
look in newthread.php for an example of how to call build_new_post. Let me know if you need more info.
Hm... I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but I had to modify some of the vb files because the forums I want the bot to post to are moderated and a regular user won't have permissions to post.. build_new_post will grab YOUR permissions (I believe).
So yeah.. just let me know if you have any questions/problems.