I installed this some time ago, I have a site where the community drives 90% of the content, so I wanted something to acknowledge the people who contribute materially either with content, or by our semi-annual fundraisers.
Recently, I decided to also use this as a system to flag people who are on XBoxLive or PS2Online, to make it easy for them to set up games. I have a college football focused site, but with EA Sport's NCAA 2005 title being online for both consoles, there's a significant enough level of interest from the users that I'm going to support it on the site level.
My question is this... Has anyone figured out a way, could an add-on be developed, or might a future version include a way to generate user lists for specific medals?
I'd love to have the little Xbox logo/'award' link to a page that lists everyone with that award. Ditto for the PS2 logo. As is, I have it set up to display people's gamertags on the mouseover, but a centralized 'roster' of people with the specific award/logo would be even more helpful.