Xchange is a project of mine that allows my members to participate in a creative community where you can post artwork, digital creations, music, photography and writing. It's fully integrated with vB 3 and shares database elements. It's fully automatic and creates necessary thumbnails, directories and files on the fly All submitted work enters a moderation que that can be accessed by staff for easy one click moderation (see screenshot link below). Xchange is fast (unlike a similar site *cough*), easy to use and is becoming very popular with our community.
This is how a work goes through the process:
1) User submits a photo.
2) Xchange automatically generates a thumbnail, inserts information into the database, copies file into appropriate directories (creates directories if it doesn't exist) and enters the information for the moderation queue.
3) Moderator views work through staff interface.
4) Moderator can accept or reject the work.
5) Moderator accepts work and an email is sent out automatically about the decision (this can be turned off).
6) Work is available for public viewing.
7) Users can download full versions of the work and comment on it.
This is still a work in progress and there's a bunch of stuff I still want to do to it including a "learn" system that allows users to post various creative processes and techniques. Other things include an advanced work categorization/keyword system and more fuller vBulletin integration such as a tag that allows you to integrate your latest work information in your signature. From the looks of things, all the graphics/html are hard coded. If enough interest is generated, maybe I'll make the system portable.
Gamingforce Xchange
Screenshots of non-public areas (so you don't have to register

Xchange Favourites:
Xchange Validation Info Popup:
Xchange Manage Options:
Xchange Staff Decision Page:
Please post with your comments and suggestions!