i agree to the points of not owing us anything but heres another point
if they say they are going to support the hack then do it
if they are not going to then say it ample opportunity is given
Totally agree!
I only expect support if it is promised and then not on an immediate basis. I downloaded a hack once and had the biggest trouble trying to get it to work, luckily the person who created was great to provide support even I coudln't believe. Heck I had to of emailed him atleast 3 maybe 4 times in one week and he replied almost instantly in each event. In the end I told him how glad I was that he provided the support one usually only gets when they've bought something.
Basically, if support is promised then give it but people you honestly can't expect on the minute support from these people, they are codeing these hacks for free. If you want more hacks then they have to write them which pretty much means they can't sit here all day waiting to see if someone needs support on a previous hack.