A word (title or message) that long will break a fixed width forum. It will even make a liquid layout appear "bad".
The fetch_word_wrapped_string function does not work on long words with periods, commas, special characters. This is a bug that has been reported.
Until there's a fix ... you should use the fetch_trimmed_title on titles (showthread/forumdisplay). fetch_trimmed_title function works with the $vboptions[wordwrap] settings.
If you do not want to use the fetch_trimmed_title function...
I use this on my cms: (mainly for right/left column):
function gtp_strip_title($str, $start, $end) {
if (strlen($str) > $start){
$str = substr($str, 0, $end)."...";
return $str;
I suggest having an option to remove (not insert in db) messages with long titles.
All messages with long words (titles) are 100% spam.