Originally Posted by AWS
Getting message number 249690:
The message is not there and the script thinks it has reached the end. Go to newsgroup settings and change the id number and run the script again.
While you posted good workaround for this, the root of this problem is actually completely different. We encountered the same problem at about the same time, and the real cause was PHP crashing on the huge spam messages crossposted to several newsgroups. Here's an example (5000+ lines!):
The quick fix is to limit amount of lines we get from the news server per message.
After the line 128 of includes/nntp.php, which reads:
add this line:
Then find this code fragment starting on line 134:
PHP Code:
if ($line == ".") {
} else {
$post .= $line ."\n";
Change it to:
PHP Code:
if ($line == ".") {
} else if ($lc++ < 300) {
$post .= $line ."\n";
Change 300 here to the amount of lines from news posting you want to allow to get into forum's message.