Originally Posted by john_rsd
So in order for the threading function to be initiated it checks the first chars of the subject feild for matches on 'RE' ? Then parses an subject index for a match?
The primary method of matching threads is by a reference number which is inthe headers of newsgroup posts and emails. This was written by Lierduh and is highly effective. All newsgroups thread pretty much perfectly just by this method.
Some mail groups (my personal experience is with Yahoo groups) do not reliably put the reference number in the header of the email, therefore I wrote a secondary check (case insensitive!) which checks again before starting a new thread. The "Re: " can appear anywhere in the subject title.
If you really, really have problems, you can find in the script where it searches for "Re: " and change it to "", and it will search every post that comes through for a subject match. This WILL slow things down, and will also match a thread from (say) 3 years ago if it has the same title. This is completely untested (and not recommended) as the basic threading will pick up most of them.
Originally Posted by john_rsd
BTW, thanks for this really cool mod
Lierduh cooked the Sunday roast, I just made some gravy :cheeky: