User table altered... sucessfully.
User table altered... sucessfully.
Phrase table updated (profile.php 1 of 3)... sucessfully.
Phrase table updated (profile.php 2 of 3)... sucessfully.
Phrase table updated (profile.php 3 of 3)... sucessfully.
Phrase table updated (admincp/index.php) ... sucessfully.
You may now proceed to use the Community Bulletin Script
In order to allow your users to unsubscribe from the bulletin, you will need to make the following alterations to your existing code and templates:
Upload admin/index.php and profile.php to your server, then go to your Admin CP and look for the "Send Community Bulletin" option under "Users" If you find that the option isn't showing up on the control panel, then it's because you aren't using the default phrases. Go into phrase manager, search for 'commbull' and update.
done all changes, could not find send community bulletin in users section, searched in phase manager for commbull and got this
No Phrases Matched Your Query
whats gone wrong????
iam running PHP v4.3.5