Originally Posted by tmhall
I assume you've figured this out by now, but in case anyone else stumbles on this thread and is wondering the same thing...
$bbuserinfo is a variable array: A variable that can hold multiple values, as opposed to a standard variable that holds only one value.
'userid' is one value in the $bbuserinfo array that is only set if the user is a registered member.
So basically "if $bbuserinfo['userid']" is equivelant to saying, "Is the 'userid' value in the $bbuserinfo array set? If yes, then the user is registered".
To the best of my knowledge there is no one location where all the standard conditionals are documented here. One developer said it's because there are dozens of variable arrays with hundreds of values each, and as such making a list is just too time consuming for anyone to get to it right now.
Or something. 
there are only a speciric ammount of $show varibles and for the most part they are not global
Are the 3 globals that i am aware about besides $GLOBAL
$bbuserinfo can show anything that is stored in the usertable field for the specific person who is online: IE $bbuserinfo[posts] will show the amount of posts, $bbuserinfo[username] will show a users, username.
$vboptions are all the options that are stored in the settings table like to show DHTML or the name of your board or even your bulletin boards url
$vboptions[bburl] $vboptions[homeurl]
$stylevar holds all the non css style settings, like the image directorys.
The problem with the documentation is there are so many vairbles that are possible for all thoughs said templates its hard to just document them.