Not sure if you're still providing support for the hack, lets hope you are.
When I try to run this query
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VALUES ('-1', 'saved_affiliate_x_successfully', '<i>{1}\'s</i> has been updates!', '9000');
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VALUES ('-1', 'deleted_affiliate_x_successfully', '<i>{1}</i> has been deleted!', '9000');
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VALUES ('-1', 'deleted_affiliate_x_unsuccessfully', '<i>{1}</i> was not deleted due to your choice selection.', '9000');
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VALUES ('-1', 'inserted_affiliate_x_successfully', '<i>{1}</i> has been successfully added to the data base.', '9000');
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VALUES ('-1', 'inserted_affiliate_x_unsuccessfully', 'This affiliates could not be added to the database because you either did not enter an affiliate name or an affiliate url or an affiliate email.', '9000');
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VALUES ('-1', 'saved_affiliate_settings_successfully', 'Settings for Affiliates Addon Updated.', '9000');
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VALUES ('-1', 'updated_affiliate_type_successfully', '<i>{1}</i> was updated successfully.', '9000');
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VALUES ('-1', 'updated_affiliate_type_unsuccessfully', 'The type was <u>not</u> updated because the types name was left blank.', '9000');
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VALUES ('-1', 'saved_affiliate_type_unsuccessfully', 'This type/category was not added to the database due to the name of this type/category not being filled in.', '9000');
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VALUES ('-1', 'saved_affiliate_type_successfully', '<i>{1}</i> was added to the database successfully.', '9000');
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VALUES ('0', 'approved_affiliate_x_successfully', '<i>{1}</i> has been approved successfully and an email has been dispatched to its admin\'s email.', '9000');
I get this error
An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1064
error desc: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ';
INSERT INTO phrase (languageid,varname,text,phrasetypeid) VA
Any help with this please?