Originally Posted by BustaCap
This would be very helpful. At a minimum it would allow at least me to post to the group via the forum.
The way I would have this particular forum setup would be to first deny posting permission to all board members and then give permission only to those members who are already members of the email group I am mirroring. However, I would only do this if the messages look like they are coming from the sender and not from me. For this type of scenario I wouldn't care if my group members posted to the group using my email address as long as the individual posts showed up with their name in the From field.
There is no clear solution to this. For the lists that need confirmed email address, the individual users need to subscribe to the list. Once they are subscribed, there is very little benefit for them to post through the forum instead of just shoot an email directly to the list. It will also look odd for the rest of the list members to see an "email" sent to the list is actually coming from a forum.
1)Open list, anyone can post to it, even someone is not subscribed. This is the best way to use this script.
2)Closed list. There isn't a good clear solution. Even if you offer your master email address as the posting email address with other user's forum user name. It will not be a good picture to be honest. It is kind of cheating, and unrespectful to the list owner, since the list is a close list. I really need to think again about how to handle this.

One thing a forum ower does not want to have is to have the list members hating your forums. The same goes for newsgroups.