This is probably not a hack and it's likely to make some of you purse your lips in horror, but I want to rewrite the javascript dropdown menus on the board.
Because it's cutting off a huge swathe of my users who happen to be Mac people with both OS9 and OSX. OSX is okay with Safari and Opera, except with the Names link, but IE5 and NS4 just won't cut it. You're gonna say get them to upgrade. *sigh* Typical bloke response. My users are 95% women and if something serves them well they won't waste money upgrading unless it's necessary.
Yes, a lot of sites are unviewable, but they simply go elsewhere. I only upgraded from a P133 about 4 months ago (AthlonXP2600) but that old comp served most of my needs. Even now, I go to a site that tells me I need the latest Flash to view it I'll go away. Sod that!
There are many more boards my users can go to if I don't fulfil their needs. Ain't gonna let that happen!
One of my Mods is my 'canary down the mine', I figure if I can fix the board for her then any browser in existence will be able to view it. Proud to say, I've usually managed to get things rendering correctly (even my Portal) on NS4. Usually a tweak of the HTML. Now I'm stumped as it's the javascript causing the problem.
I sent all my Mac users to
this site to see if those dropdowns worked for them, and even my canary said yes! So problem sorted! All I have to do is to use their javascript instead of VB's and dropdowns will then work for everyone. Very exciting!
Except I can't quite figure out the instructions. My previous javascript limit is a popup box.
Does any of you techie fellas know how I can use that javascript on the boards popups? Any pointers? Anyone already done something similar?
I'm on a hiding to nothing here, aren't I?
Thanks for any advice/help.