Originally Posted by Alan Ang
1. admin able to assign credits to individual members. (i.e. members with higher donations to forum can get higher starting vCash, it also allows players who are bankrupt to come back into the game with a new donation.)
I addressed this previously, saying that there are many store/points hacks already available that offer this sort of thing. I don't really have plans to incorporate it into
vBookie but you're not the first to ask, and if I get more requests for the same thing I'll probably do it.
However, there is already a mechanism for players to "get back into the game" - there's a "charity mode" whereby anyone on less than 25 credits gets set to 25 when a new event is added.
Originally Posted by Alan Ang
2. members are able to set up separate wagers with fellow members, subjected to credit limit bought/assigned by admin. win or loss are deducted from one another.
I like the idea, but it doesn't really fit into the current framework. It'd require some sort of challenge/response mechanism to be built in. That's not particularly difficult, but it's a sizeable addition. Like I say, I do like the idea though, so I'll consider doing it.
Originally Posted by Alan Ang
3. when members bet with one another (i.e. this allows members to side bet with each other, and to deduct directly from current top winners.), a portion of the proceeds goes to the admin.
Not entirely sure what you mean here by "deduct directly from the top winners.
Originally Posted by Alan Ang
4. members have varied credit limits when betting, limit to be set by admin.
This was actually in my original plan, but I decided not to bother since it's virtual "cash" and there's an unlimited supply as far as settling goes.
Originally Posted by Alan Ang
5. admin able to set a limit to the total bets received.
Again, since there's an unlimited settlement pot, there's really no need to limit the number or size of bets that may be placed.
Originally Posted by Alan Ang
6. admin to have a panel that lists the full details of all bets as well as summarized reports.
9. members able to have a results panel to list their current bets, past bets and total profit/loss.
Better reporting is certainly something that's relatively simple to add.
Originally Posted by Alan Ang
7. admin to be able to stop accepting bets in realtime, in order to adjust odds.
You can close an event at any point to do this, just by changing the appropriate time. Do you mean a one-click button to do the job?
Originally Posted by Alan Ang
8. admin to be able to set formula for calculation of odds for automatic tabulation.
I'm not sure what you're getting at here.
Originally Posted by Alan Ang
is this possible? or is it too hard to be realised?
None of it is particularly difficult. All I need is the motivation to do it. =) I'll look to release an update with some enhancements in the next week or two.