Not bad. The color scheme of the header and footer is quite different than that of the actual forum layout. I personally think it would look better making the colors match the header.
First off thanks for signing up at GsT, and your reply to this post.
Reply to your comments: That?s because it?s a template with customized header and footer from
http://vbstyles.com/. This was a quick fix to get the site up and going ASAP. Now that the skin is in place and the site is up, I can take my time in creating the ultimate vision I have for GsT community.
I agree the colors of the header and footer needs to be implemented into the actual forum. I?m thinking maybe it needs some of the green color in the forum. I also had in mind to customize the header of each category to look more like the main header style.
I agree with Velocd here. You should change the scheme to match the header. It'd look alot better if you could change this style around to a new scheme.
Plus the number of threads/posts looks weird aligned to the right, I'd centre it personally.
Thanks for the feedback about the threads/posts not being centered, I completely overlooked it.
I?m also thinking about implementing a new button set using the same buttons used on the header.
Once again thanks for you suggestions and feedback.