Originally Posted by sammyman
I have two boards, but want to use the same users so they don't have to register twice. Some have said that this is impossible.
It can't be impossible to use users from one board on another. Look at photopost, they use users from a different board. This would be the same type of idea.
I have one idea: One the index.php of a vbulletin homepage there is the line..
Could I use the globals for a different board on part of the code (for the users), and the globals for above for the categories and forums etc. I have tride codes like:
But that gives me an error since I am calling globals twice. Any way to call two different global files or use parts of each global file in one forum?
You willl need a license for both forums, also it is possible, but not with out quite abit of work, it would be simpilest if both of your forums were stored in the same database.