Watson - All Admins/Mods by default can edit/delete anyone's feedback. Users by default can only edit/delete feedback they leave for someone within 5 minutes of leaving the feedback. A person can not rate themself (hence the missing link), and guests can not rate people either (obviously).
I'm not sure what you mean by their addresses via forums? None of my users post their address publically (or any personal info for that matter).
I think Yahhoon23 gave some good suggestions, I too only allow a certain usergroups the right to use the trader ratings system (as well as see the FS/WTB section).
This hack was meant to be simple (hence the minimal changes to vB). You can add conditionals and checks in the code if you want to check for threads, usergroups, reputation, whatever. However like in my original post, this hack is meant to be based on trust (kind of like user reputation).
Since running this hack back on vB2, I have had zero issues with people intentionaly trying to abuse the system. The most I really had were people who mis-rated someone by accident (however now with the user edit abilities that's eliminated). People on my site know they will get banned for abusing the forum, which includes Trader Ratings. Unless you have a bunch of immature kids on your forum, you more than likely will have little to no issues with abuse.
Again, read (or at least skim) this thread, I'm planning on continuing development of this hack, however it will still be based on a "trust" system for the most part. It just doesn't make sense to hack the crap out of vB files and templates to make something work, when a complete classifieds/auction add-in could be built from the ground up, and be self contained for the most part.
The furthest I will probably take this hack is a link in FS threads that ties two people to that thread and then they can rate each other. (even though it sounds simple, it is a lot more code and templates than you might think).