Originally Posted by r6xual
Funny, my cat wont stop showing me affection, im pretty sure if you cant get within 10 feet of your cat without it running away, theres something that is causing/caused him/her to do that. Its no different with dogs, they will do the same thing. BTW, I tought my cat to fetch :squareeyed:
Cats are werid creaters indeed. It is true that they don't in most cases love their owners to the point a dog would, this is very true if your cat was a stray or raised by its real mother.
If you raise a cat from the time it was born or before it opens it's eyes it can see you has its 'owner' and will probbly show you more 'love' then a stray or one raised by a cat.
Cats will take to anyone that will feed them, and are impossible to train in most cases.
Dogs on the other hand will take to humans better, they will also attempt to learn from and protech their owners. Honestly if you have the room for a dog to run they are better pets imo, it just takes a responible owner to have a dog. You can't leave him food and water and show him no love and expect him to love you like one of the family. Dog also require strong owner, if they see themselves as the dominate animal they will attempt to take over the control of the house hold.
Ever meet a dog that dose anything it wants and won't listen to its owner? It dose this because it belives that it is the head of the family pack, often times you will find such dogs in homes where the family treats them like big spoiled babies.