Originally Posted by nydk
I had some problems, but I worked through it... but now I was wondering this:
- Richest Members in vBookie Stats only shows my richest uShop/uCash members, except the 2 richest. The two richest have like $13.xx and $17.xx, and 3rd richest has $7.xx ... the list in vBookie starts at the $7.xx person. (If that made any sense)
- Also, when I click the option to add an event with the thread, I don't get taken to a "Post a vBookie Event" page... any ideas... ? I did set my usergroup to be able to add events
Regarding the first, which version of the installation file did you have? Is it version 1.0.3? Check the 'includes/functions_vbookie.php' file, and the 'function vbookie_get_richest()' function. You should see this code:
PHP Code:
if ($vbookiesettings['ucash'] == 1)
$q = "SELECT u.username, (p.".$vboptions['uttpoints_pointsfield']."+0) AS cash FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . $vboptions['uttpoints_pointtable']." AS p LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS u ON u.userid=p.userid ORDER BY cash DESC LIMIT 5";
The main point here is that there is a "+0" on the uttpoints_pointsfield column, as this forces it to be an integer rather than a string.
The second suggests that you didn't make all the changes correctly, or missed one all together. One suspect would be this one in 'newthread.php':
PHP Code:
if ($newpost['postpoll'])
$url = "poll.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$newpost[threadid]&polloptions=$newpost[polloptions]";
PHP Code:
// +++ vBookie
else if ($newpost['postvbookieevent'])
$url = "vbookie.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$newpost[threadid]&vbookieeventoptions=$newpost[vbookieeventoptions]&do=newevent";
// --- vBookie
The change above is what specifies the page you are directed to after submitting a new thread. Double check all the changes prescribed in the installation instructions.