Originally Posted by the nail geek
I think I found the problem with the elongated bars... the calculations are not correct when you use results from number_format. I changed those to intval and it calculates correctly now:
Here is the area I changed... hope I havent missed any:
PHP Code:
//## Auswertgung einger Top Resulte START
$alle_beitraege = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) as beitraege FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post ");
$alle_beitraege = intval($alle_beitraege['beitraege']); //alle Beitr?ge
$alle_themen= $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT( * ) as themen FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread ");
$alle_themen = intval($alle_themen['themen']); //alle Themen
$alle_user= $DB_site->query_first(" SELECT COUNT( * ) as benutzer FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user ");
$alle_user = intval($alle_user['benutzer']); //alle Benutzer
$alle_pm= $DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT( * ) as pm FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pm ");
$alle_pm = intval($alle_pm['pm']);
Here are the other updated templates for english:
template name: statistik_referer
PHP Code:
<td class="alt2" valign="top">
<a href="$referer_adresse">$referer_adresse
</a> ($referer_summe Visitors)
template name: statistik_letztenbeitraege
PHP Code:
<td> <small><a href="showthread.php?$session[sessionurl]t=$beitragsid">$beitragstitel</a>
by<b><font color="#FF0000"> $geschrieben_von</font></b> posted
<font color="#FF0000"><i>
$geschrieben_am</i></font> last reply from <b><font color="#663300">$letzte_antwort</font></b><font color="#996633"> </font>
<font color="#663300"> <i>$letzte_antwort_am</i></font></small><font color="#996633"></td>
I also translated most of the countries that I could be bothered with (damn there are a few!)... here is the english table create and inserts. I am sure there are a few countries that I missed (or maybe got wrong).