Just upgraded by overwriting all the files, now I just get a blank white page when clicking the link on the navbar from anywhere.
Hummm...I reuploaded article.php 3 times, each time smartFTP asked me to confirm overwrite which I did, then checked the page and it was white...finally after double checking everything else, I went to upload old article.php and it said the one on the server was 0 bytes..so I went back and reuploaded the new article.php for a fourth time and this time it worked!!
Damn! I have to ask myself in a sarcastic tone: "Use a pc much pal?"
John, I'd like to add your a copyright footer for you with your icon like the arcade...can you tell me where to place the code?
Edit 2: I got it..for those with the arcade, go into your articles template and find $articlecontent, right below it paste:
<span class="smallfont"><br><center><a href="http://www.eovieinteractive.com" target="_blank"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_arcade]/eovieinteractive.gif" border=0 alt="Eovie Interactive"></a></center></br></span>