Originally Posted by lordnex
Good hack, thanks for posting it! It does take a bit of careful editing as it does go into a few hacks and someone not very observant might overwrite those hacks.
I agree. Unfortunately it's impossible to write instructions that cover every available hack, so it's only really possible to write them assuming an 'as new' unhacked installation. If something like v3Arcade has already been added, or uCash perhaps, or Petz, or... or... or... then the instructions might clash; particularly when it comes to bitfield permissions where the next available number in an original installation might be 16, but that might already have been used by another hack. The savvy hacker would know to use 32 instead, but not everyone has such knowledge.
I've tried to stress in the installation instructions the importance of prior backups, but that's advice not everyone will heed. Sensible people would read through all the instructions first, and compare them to their own files
before starting, but this is the real world and people aren't that cautious. =)
I think I might update the installation instructions to stress these points though.
OK, updated installation instructions:
I think that's about all I can reasonably do. =)