I too am getting the error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pspell_new() in /home/profit/public_html/forums/checkspelling.php on line 26
At your request, here is the contents of my directories. I would sure like to get this going.
Any tips?
[/usr/lib/aspell]# ls
./ american.multi@ english-med-only english-variant-2
../ canadian-med.multi english.multi@
american-med.multi canadian-med-only english-variant-0
american-med-only canadian.multi@ english-variant-1
[/usr/share/aspell]# ls
./ iso8859-10.map iso8859-4.dat iso8859-7.map koi8-r.dat
../ iso8859-1.dat iso8859-4.map iso8859-8.dat SGML.map
ASCII.dat iso8859-1.map iso8859-5.dat iso8859-8.map spell*
ASCII.map iso8859-2.dat iso8859-5.map iso8859-9.dat standard.kbd
english.dat iso8859-2.map iso8859-6.dat iso8859-9.map unicode.dat
english_phonet.dat iso8859-3.dat iso8859-6.map ispell* viscii.dat
iso8859-10.dat iso8859-3.map iso8859-7.dat koi8-f.dat viscii.map